Monday, December 1, 2008

Coolest Light Display Ever!

The Friday after Thanksgiving we headed out the check out the Christmas lights around Ottawa. After driving through every side street and ohhing and ahhing, we heard of the best light display yet. This display is on a home in Utica, IL. All I can say was it was amazing! Marogt was clapping and cheering. After this it is going to take a whole lot for a light display to impress the McNutts! The music that you hear in the background was a radio station that the home owner broadcasts!


The Nessons said...

Very cool display though I'm not sure I would want to live accross the street.

NJ said...

My husband and I went to Transsiberian Orchestra (this is the music he has going for his display) and the ENTIRE show is like this. Lights light up on every beat!

Anonymous said...

Shhhhhh! lol

In him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord.
Ephesians 2:21