Monday, December 8, 2008

Grace Family Christmas 2008!

After Labor Day, I began practicing with the Christmas choir at church. We were beginning to prepare for our annual Christmas program entitled Grace Family Christmas. The program this year was a review of songs that have been performed over the last fifteen years. As always the concert was amazing and the preparations were memorable as well. Part of my preparations are listening to the music and memorizing it, which in my case is best done in the car. Because somehow I am never in the car alone not only did I learn my music but so did Molly and Margot.
Molly and Marogt were very excited to get all dressed up and come see mommy sing!
Ellen Tabor and I sat next to one another and enjoyed many laughs!

Janet Maston, Jenny Nash and I ready for the show!

Margot singing Happy Birthday Jesus!

Molly singing Happy Birthday Jesus!

1 comment:

Carrie said...

We missed GFC this year. Sounds like it was amazing! Love the pics.

And the videos....thanks for the laugh (especially Margot)! So cute.

In him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord.
Ephesians 2:21