Sunday, November 30, 2008

November, What a month!

November has been quite a month for the McNutt family. We started November in the hospital with Molly's pneumonia. We have continued with lots of doctor visits to check ears and heal croup! We have also had interesting car issues with one rear ending and a scary ride into the ditch on the way home from the Thanksgiving festivities. We are definitely looking forward to December holding lots of FUN holiday activities. Here are some of the fun November moments in reverse order, sorry I have not yet mastered the photo download!

Snow snow snow.... On November 30th we awoke to snow. We got 6 inches of the best snow ball making snow and the girls loved playing in all the white stuff!
Molly loved the snow. She has been very confused why there had not been snow before this. Her preschool teacher had told her that winter was when the snow came and they have their room decorated with snowmen and snow flakes. I guess she is pretty literal like her daddy asking everyday where the snow was!

Molly even broke out the sleds and took a ride down the tiny hill on the side of our house. It was the perfect start to winter!

This is a fun photo of the whole family including kitties, Bandit , Belle, and Ozzie, heading home from Nanu and Papa's after all the Thanksgiving festivities were over!

Molly loved the McNutt family Thanksgiving at Aunt Sue and uncle Bill's house in Rockford. She loves playing with her cousins Ashley, Kyle and Troy.

Margot had fun too! We had an early birthday party for our little girl who is almost TWO!

In Ottawa we headed out for the Santa Claus parade. Molly was very intrigued to see this man in red who lives at the North Pole!

All the Reinhardt cousins had great seats on top of the van to watch the Santa parade!

Molly and cousin Mia Reinhardt enjoying pizza and a few smiles before bundling up for the parade.

Margot the serious at Nanu and Papa's for the Reinhardt Thanksgiving. She loved watching the turkey cook and could not figure out where that turkey had gone after lunch!

Molly at Nanu and Papa's for Thanksgiving!

November days at home included lots of singing to our High School Musical Three CD. The girls love to use our coffee table as their stage! They are stars in the making.

Cute sisters at home. Getting so big and bringing such a joy! Through all the trials this year has brought the Lord has confirmed that our kids are such a blessing and we thank Him for them continually.

Margot showing off her new adorable coat for church. She gets lots of attention when she walks into Grace Presbyterian!

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In him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord.
Ephesians 2:21