Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Pneumonia, YUCK!!!

Molly has pneumonia and it is no fun. She ran a high fever all weekend and after much worry and two sleepless nights, we took her to the ER at OSF. Once there they determined that mommy instinct is right and Molly was a very sick little girl. They admitted her to the peds floor and started her on IV antibiotics. Unfortunately the numbing cream they used on Molly's hand before the IV did not numb mommy's heart! It was really unfun to watch her scared and hurting and not be able to help. She is thankfully responding well to the meds and we are hoping to go home tonight!


The Nessons said...

Oh no! We're thinking of you guys.

Life with la familia said...

What a crazy, scary experience, Anne. We hope you're home safe and sound by now.
The Lees

Laura said...

What a scary time...you were right to bring her in. Hope Molly gets better soon.

In him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord.
Ephesians 2:21