Saturday, June 14, 2008

Lazy afternoons in Lena...

The past couple weekends we have been trying to get up to Lena, IL to visit Jeff's grandparents, Sam and Isabell Wilson. Due to our continual illness our trip was postponed until today. We headed up north with Gondolas in hand for a lunch at his grandparents home!
We had great weather for lunch. Jeff's parents and his sister Suz and her two sons also came along. It is always a treat to spend a little time with Jeff's grandparents, as long as his grandpa dosn't put you to work. He is a welder and even in his eighties he goes to work in the shop everyday!
Jeff and his grandma enjoyed chatting in the rocking chairs that his grandpa made. They are great they say his and hers! Margot even got in on the conversation.
As always the kids also had a great time. Above Margot is leading the crew of Troy Graff, Molly and Kyle Graff all over the yard. Jeff's grandparents got such a kick out of watching the kids running around acting like kids.

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In him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord.
Ephesians 2:21