Wednesday, June 11, 2008

A Day in the Life...

I want to give you a feel for a day in the life of the McNutts this week. After a night with very little sleep. Everyone is awake and on a roll at 6:00. Vacation bible school at our church started this week and since both Jeff and I were committed to teach, Monday started a week of splitting duties. Jeff has had the privilege to stay home with the sick kiddo. Monday it was Molly and since then it has been Margot.
Jeff's days have been filled with looks like this from Margot. He has described Margot as a bad patient. She is very unhappy and nothing is ever quite the way she likes and she lets you know about it. I give Jeff all the credit he has been an extremely patient and loving daddy even when she calls him, MOMMY!
I have had the privilege to be one of over 600 volunteers at our church taking part in vacation bible school. I have been teaching about sixteen 2nd and 3rd graders about the armor of God. We have learned to, "Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devils schemes" Ephesians 6:11 They have been a joy and I have loved teaching them about Jesus and his free gift of salvation. Our Church makes a huge commitment to VBS with over 800 children in attendance each day.
I also have to share Molly's favorite part of VBS. She loves Black Buffalo (pictured above). He is a native American missionary who has been part of VBS at Grace since the early 70's. He has never missed a year. He runs children's homes throughout south America and they are all called the Quiver. He is an awesome man of God and comes to each department daily and tells the kids stories of the children that he has ministered to in his children's homes. Molly loves his drum, especially when she gets to play it herself!

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In him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord.
Ephesians 2:21