Saturday, October 25, 2008

Fun Times with the Reinhardts!

Saturday was a fun day spent with our cousins. All the Reinhardt kiddos came to Peoria! We headed down to Pekin to show them all the excitement at the Extreme Makeover house. The cousins are Margot, Daniel, Molly, Mia, Grace and Thomas!
The house was almost finished on the outside Saturday. They were finishing up siding and stone work on the front of the house.

All the kids were excited to try the haunted hayrack ride at Apple Blossom Farm. Margot was scared before the ride even started she did not like the "cary witch" that took our tickets. All the other kids had fun although Daniel had to keep reminding himself that he wasn't scared they are just costumes!

All the kids peeking out of the Apple Blossom bus, photo-op!

We rounded out the evening sipping hot cider by the fire listening to stories! These are the things that memories are made of and we were glad to share it with our cousins!

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In him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord.
Ephesians 2:21