Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Fall fun Nights...

We have been loving the Midwest weather lately, besides the torrential rain, we have had beautiful fall weather. The girls and I have been out enjoying it as much as possible. We have taken walks, spent time at the park, the apple orchard and riden our bikes.

Last night Molly was out showing off her skills on her big girl bike. She has gotten very brave and will ride on the sidewalk down about 5 houses before turning toward home. It is fun to see her experimenting with her new found freedom. It is her first set of wheels!
We have even broken out the fall clothes. Aren't they cute in their matching orange!
Molly's latest favorite movie is a circus VHS tape that I was given when I was 10 years old. She loves watching the clown and the couple that does tricks on the high wire. This is her very own rendition of the high wire on Daddy's legs. Hopefully she won't run off with the circus.
Molly and Margot both helped me make chocolate chip cookies. They took turns dumping in the ingredients and tried their hand at using the electric mixer. This was the first time that I really was able to share my love of cooking with them. They had a great time and Mommy did too! Daddy also loved the end result.
Our Belle! She is one of our new additions. She is a sweet little kitty that has taken a liking to sleeping in the napkin basket in the middle of the kitchen table.

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In him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord.
Ephesians 2:21