Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Fun Playdays!

Molly and Margot were in the mood to play today. Yesterday they were home all day cause mommy was not feeling well so after gymnastics we called our good friends the Mastons and had a girls day out.
Molly and Emma had a great time climbing in all the tunnels and Emma was very proud that she came down the big slide with Molly. Molly told me that Emma loves her at church and Emma told her mommy that Molly is her best friend. I just love little girls at this age cause they just love to play and run and scream in their little high pitched voices.
Margot and her little pink arm even got in on the action. She climbed right in the play place and did not let a broken bone slow her down. Margot's favorite part of McDonalds is rearranging all the shoes in the little cubbies. Jeff better watch his wallet cause this little one already has quite a thing for shoes!

When we got home from our fun morning out we got to check out the progress in the basement. Our drywall and painting is finished and they have started to lay the tile flooring. It is very exciting to see it all coming together! Now we are ready for daddy to come home so that we can wear him out and ask him to mow the lawn. Poor Guy!

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In him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord.
Ephesians 2:21